Online Presence
- As a general rule, act online the same way you would in an in-person environment.
- If you wouldn’t bring an item to class, don’t share it in an online environment.
- Present yourself on video the same way you would at work or in class.
- Ensure that your clothing and background do not contain explicit images or anything that may offend others
For more information about online etiquette, check out – Tips for Good Netiquette

- Cyber-bullying refers to the use of technology such as social media to target, humiliate, harass, threaten or embarrass someone.
- These actions can include making insults, trolling, cyber-stalking, excluding others from discussions or posting images online without permission.
- Cyber-bullying may not only violate University policies, but it can also be against the law.
- As a general rule to prevent cyber-bullying, treat others the way you want to be treated.

Disruptive Behaviour
- Technology can sometimes be tricky to navigate. Support your peers and instructors with patience and kindness.
- Get familiar with Zoom and other online platforms. Learn how to use tools such as mute functions to avoid interruptions.
- Avoid inappropriate screen names or aliases.